Submissions of Abstracts is performed online via the Conference website.

After completing this pre-registration form to the Conference website, by choosing Conference author or MS organizer for the user role, you will receive an email to validate your Account. After validation, you will be able to login to your ARTISTE2025 Account.

Note: MS organizer can also submit conference papers, so it is not necessary to register twice with a different role.

Abstract Submission

Prepare a one-page Abstract, no file template is required. Login to your Conference Account and click on the Abstract Submission tab. When the abstract submission will be open, you will be able to complete the Abstract Form provided in the webpage (max 250 words, 1800 characters including spaces). You must indicate the presenting author and select the relevant Minisymposium or Special Session, or Regular session, in which you are interested in. To properly finalize the Abstract Submission you must click on the Update button at the bottom of the page, otherwise your abstract will be not registered. The user will receive a confirmation email if the abstract is correctly uploaded into the system.

The deadline for uploading the one-page Abstract is reported here. You will receive the outcome of the review process of your Contribution by e-mail.

The submission of the Full Paper is optional. The accepted full papers will be Scopus indexed (details will be provided soon).