Registration to the conference website
Submissions of MS/SS proposals is performed online via the Conference website.
After completing this pre-registration form to the Conference website, by choosing MS organizer for the user role, you will receive an email to validate your Account. After validation, you will be able to login to your ARTISTE2025 Account.
Note: MS organizer can also submit conference papers later on (follow instruction here), so it is not necessary to register twice with a different role.
Requirements for Special Session Proposals
Proposals must be prepared as a one-page document using the provided template and submitted electronically with the following details:
- Title and acronym of the Special Session.
- Brief profiles of the Special Session organizers.
- General description of the scope of the Special Session.
- List of topics.
- Proposed Program Committee members to be invited.
Once the proposal is ready, Login to your conference account, navigate to the MS/SS Proposals tab, and upload the completed Word or PDF file. To finalize the submission, click the Update button at the bottom of the page. A confirmation email will be sent if the file has been successfully uploaded.
Review and Publication Process
- All Special Session papers must meet the same standards as regular ARTISTE2025 papers and will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Special Sessions will be managed as tracks within the centralized conference submission and reviewing system, using a dedicated EasyChair track for each session.
- Organizers are responsible for managing the review process, including obtaining at least three reviews per paper and submitting these through the ARTISTE2025 conference system.
- The ARTISTE2025 Program Committee will make the final decision regarding paper acceptance, based on the recommendations of the Special Session organizers.
Responsibilities of Organizers
- Advertise and promote both the Special Session and the conference, including the preparation of a Special Session webpage.
- Manage the review process for submitted papers.
- Ensure that all reviews are completed and submitted via the ARTISTE2025 conference system.
Important Dates
- Deadline for Special Session proposals: February 22, 2025.
Refer to the conference website for additional important dates.